Surveyor’s Real Property Report (SRPR)
This is a plan illustrating parcel dimensions, along with the location of buildings and other structures relative to the parcel’s boundaries. It also shows the location of any other physical features and registered encumbrances, such as easements, on or immediately adjacent to the property.
An SRPR is a valuable tool in real estate transactions or for those wishing to have an accurate representation of their property.

The surveyor’s real property report represents only a small fraction of your total property investment and may help you to avoid costly and troublesome problems in the future. The plan provides peace of mind for property owners by ensuring:
• the property is identical to what is described in the listing
• features, such as fences, driveways, sheds, and home additions are within the boundaries
• others are not entitled to partial use of the property
• mortgage can proceed without delays
The SRPR is also an asset for property sellers and Realtors, assisting them in preparing accurate listings, providing confidence for buyers, and protection from potential lawsuits over boundaries, improvements, and inaccuracies in the listing.
Please refer to the brochure prepared by the Association of Land Surveyors for more information on surveyor’s real property reports. The brochure is available at the following link.